The transactions you make in our online store are secured and encrypted by the highest online secure systems (SSL-256 bit and digital certification by Verisign, Inc.), which guarantee a safe transactions’ environment in most of the 500 biggest companies in the world.
Follow the instructions in our online store for shopping via credit card. You will be asked to complete a form of ordering, as well as the number and expiration date of your card together with the 3-digit number at the back of your card(CVV). In case you have chosen to pay via credit card, you will have to be present while receiving your order, having your ID with you. Moreover, in the same case(payment via credit card), a third person displaying your credit card and being willing to pay via it, will not be allowed to receive your order. In case the order has the information and the bank account of a company, then the credit card used must be a company’s credit card. In other words, the credit card must be issued in accordance to the company’s data. During the delivery, the card holder must be there having her/his credit card and ID with her/him.